Monday, April 25, 2011

Strength Training The INSANITY Way

Hope everyone had a happy Easter if you were celebrating! I had my first opportunity to use the Strength workout in Asylum. Having done my last resistance work about 6 months ago using P90X, I was excited to see what was in store. There are two versions of this workout on the DVD, one is for those who have dumbbells and the other is for those who use the bands. The bands do give you an equally good workout, in some aspects, possibly better.

This is also the first workout that you use the pull-up bar if you have one. The workout does contain ways to work your lats without having the pull-up bar. These other moves I found came in handy when you have troubles doing wide pull-ups. I can do 2 wide pull-ups before my form goes bad, so what I did was the wide pull-ups with good form, then moved to the dumbbell floor lat work. Maybe when I get stronger in the back, I'll be able to do more. The rock climber pull-up is crazy hard, I tried to do a few, lasted about 10 seconds before I lost my form completely and went to the floor lat move.

I found this workout to be a bit easier than Speed & Agility, but I worked just as hard, I was completely sweat soaked. I agree with a fellow coach, Jeff Gamet, a strength program like this is something that was missing from the original INSANITY program.

I also started working through the Asylum 14 day meal plan. I am also trying to follow Shaun T's schedule for meals. Its different, it felt like I was eating quite a bit more than I should, although I didn't pass my caloric intake. This idea of having 6 - 7 smaller meals in a day seems crazy, but the idea is to prevent your blood sugar from spiking then dropping, getting your metabolism up and stopping your body from going into starvation mode. We'll see where I end up in a few weeks and see where my results land me.


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