Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 6 "...not my best aspects.... yet!"

I made a comment on facebook earlier, and after doing some things for a few hours, I reread it and now I'm actually being humbled by it. I said, "Speed & Agility are not my best aspects.... yet!" I've received a bunch of feedback from just one small word, yet. Unless you are a natural athlete, Speed & Agility take time and a lot of effort to make gains. You have to get inside of your own mind and push yourself, telling yourself that you can't quit, that you have to keep going, keep pushing even though you are tired, you are sore, you are out of breathe. Its all about getting that idea that you can do it! That's what Speed & Agility is all about in the Asylum. The first time I did it, I was trying to keep up with the moves and learn them. This time, it was about making gains and improving my body and form.

Here is my short video log from todays workout, with my out of breath message at the end.

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