Thursday, May 19, 2011

20 Days in the Asylum...

Believe it or not, jumping is an integral part of any hockey players training program off the ice, and sometimes is needed in game day situations. As Herb Brooks said, "The legs feed the wolf." This phrase is so true with this sport. Strength, speed, and endurance are all vital to hockey players at every level. Without the strength, there is no speed and no endurance. Strong legs are the most vital tool to a hockey player, if you cannot skate, there isn't any need for puck-handling because you will always be out of position. This is why plyometric training is such a vital tool in a hockey players arsenal.

Today was day 20 in the Asylum, having done Vertical Plyo, which is a beast having done Game Day & Overtime the day before. Instead of writing tonight, I decided to do a video for everyone to watch since its been 11 days since my last. Enjoy!

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