Monday, May 9, 2011

Game Day in the Asylum

I'm going to keep this short today, I did Game Day on Friday and all I have to say is WOW! It is 65 minutes of fun and craziness! I can't believe how hard I worked through it and yet was still having fun doing it! I haven't been running for a long time, yet I hung with it, did the six and a half minute run and finished strong! It was great having a variety of different sports to do, doing wrestling, tennis, swimming, surfing, football, soccer, and more. I was super proud of myself, I was able to do 6 pull-up mountain climbers, which if you are doing them with good form and for the entire minute plus, you are insanely strong all the way around! Overall, Game Day in the Asylum is a great workout and it builds from what you are doing in the regular workouts. Go Team Asylum!

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