Sunday, May 15, 2011

Half way up the little mountain...

You are reading that right, the little mountain. That's what the first 30 days of Asylum really is, its the little mountain compared to what's to come. This is how the journey works, think of INSANITY and P90X as the training to get ready to climb the mountains, then comes INSANITY: The Asylum, which is like a little mountain that you have to go up in order to get to the ones you want to actually climb. Only after this, you've reached the base of Everest and can start the real climb, a 60 day hybrid fusion of Asylum with either INSANITY or P90X. You think 30 days was tough, how bout another 60 that pushes you to the max! 

So as I stare at the large mountain in the horizon, I look onward and upward an refocus on the mountain that I am currently climbing. I've had a few stumbles, some near falls, but I'm still here hanging on and driving to the top! 

Ok so enough with the philosophy, moving back to reality. I completed days 15 and 16 of the Asylum, having done my Athletic Performance Assessment (Fit Test) and Vertical Plyo. Here is the assessment from day 1 and day 15.

                                                     Day 1:      Day 15:
Agility Heisman:                           5 reps       6 reps
In & Out Ab Progression:             21 reps      35 reps
Pull-Ups/Lat Push-Ups:               12 reps      17 reps
Mountain Climber Switch Kicks:   35 reps      40 reps
Agility Shoulder Taps:                   4 reps      5.5 reps
X Jumps:                                    27 reps      32 reps
Moving Push-Ups:                      3.5 reps     3.5 reps
Agility Lateral Shuffle:                   8 reps     14 reps
Agility Bear Crawl:                        4 reps      5 reps

So as you can see, I have shown improvement. On the scales, I have dropped 5 pounds, which is awesome, and my BMI has dropped 2% which is excellent for only 15 days. The combo of the program and the diet is absolutely excellent! I've changed my eating habits once again, having my starches in the morning or midday at the latest, and eating proteins/veg in the afternoon and evenings, and as we speak, Shakeology at night an hour or two before bed. I'll post a video up on the bottom of this about what it is since I don't want to go too in depth about that right now. Overall, I'm seeing success and people are noticing that I'm looking a bit more cut.

As for today's Vertical Plyo, things are still getting better, granted, the Plyo Push-Ups are still However, I noticed my agility in the Active Recovery Jump Rope exercises was a lot better. I also saw a lot of improvement in the tuck jumps and power jumps, I'm getting hang time! I still struggle with the double jump rope tuck jumps, but I'm making progress, at least I can do every other jump rope exercise now with some control. By the way, this Active Recovery is now joke! Remember when Shaun T says stop, take a rest for 30 seconds in INSANITY, you do it. Not in Asylum, your rest comes in the form of the jump rope. Its about getting ready for Game Day, whether that's in the Asylum, or on the court, on the field, or my personal favorite, in the rink. You recover and work at the same time, thats how it is in sports and thats exactly how you train in Asylum!

So to go back to phylosophy, we are all climbing mountains, some with obstacles in the paths, some more slippery than others, some that seem like they are really easy but are way harder once you are on, and some that seem to fight you all the way to the top. However, with the right frame of mind, the right skills, and the right tools, you can climb ANY mountain that you set your mind and goals to! Just got to hang in there, get your mind right, and push through!

Dig Deeper!!

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